So, we're still here and I'm writing a blog entry so you could be forgiven for thinking I have something particular to say. Not really! Other than the insulation has gone down and seems to be working a treat. The cold chill that used to drift down over your shoulders in the evening whilst sitting on the sofa is no more, and the interior temperature seems to stay higher for longer. So its all good so far.
We'll give it a couple of days and check on the condensation levels, but I'm pretty positive about it all.
The family have all headed back to the UK so its just me and Jason and the peace and quiet left here. Nice :-) I've pretty much finished clearing up the carnage left behind in their wake, and also been printing off lots of recipes for Christmas food, I really enjoy cooking (especially if its something packed full of sugar!) and am looking forward to taking over the kitchen for the next few days.
I've had a few more requests for letters from Father Christmas in the last week or so - last posting dates to everywhere have passed but I still create them up to the end of the week and send them as PDF files for priting at the other end. Gets people out of sticky situations with the kiddies for £2.95 a go, which cant be bad! I'll need to knock up a few more templates for next year though as this years repeat customers are running out of options...
Then of course theres the new website I need to set up for the new and exciting business venture for when we get back - but I think that one will keep me occupied for some time yet before it kicks off.
So thats about all for now. Nice and quiet and just me and Jason for a week or so, with lots of food and drink and log fires. Aaahhhh! :-) Merry Christmas to everyone, and see you over on the main website!Jasons also persuaded me to go back to the website rather than rely too much on the blog. As much as I like the ease of the blog, I have to admit that the website is more visually engaging (when theres photos to look at, at least!). So once we head off after Christmas I'll import this lot onto the site and go back to doing things the old way. Still, it was nice to have the change, and all adds to the education!
An independent overland adventure, from the UK to Cape Town via the West coast of Africa, travelling in our trusty Unimog called Moglet.
Moglet in Africa Website
We left our house in the UK in 2008 and fully intended to be in Africa not too much later. Two years on, and we've finally booked in a ferry to leave Barcelona for Tangier at the end of November 2010! It's been eventful and fun and I wouldn't change a single day of it, even if it has all taken a bit longer than expected...
Prior to this shiny new blog, there was and still is a Moglet in Africa website to wander through. It's been up and running for a while now and has loads more detail on the route, the vehicle, us, preparation, pretty much everything other than the trip diary itself. It will also be the site that gets maintained throughout Africa to detail lots more information on top of a trip diary. As well as that, it's also got a link to our original Moglet website which has more details of the original planning and preparation for leaving a house rented in the UK, personal and medical preparations, plus the driving all around Scotland we did for a few months following our original departure in 2008.
So in a nutshell, if you're just interested in the diary for the trip down Africa, the blog will be mostly all you need to worry about. But if you're interested in how we got to this point and what's happened to us so far, or want more information on the Africa bit than cant be found in a blog (GPS co-ordinates, lots of photos etc) have a look at the websites :-)
Prior to this shiny new blog, there was and still is a Moglet in Africa website to wander through. It's been up and running for a while now and has loads more detail on the route, the vehicle, us, preparation, pretty much everything other than the trip diary itself. It will also be the site that gets maintained throughout Africa to detail lots more information on top of a trip diary. As well as that, it's also got a link to our original Moglet website which has more details of the original planning and preparation for leaving a house rented in the UK, personal and medical preparations, plus the driving all around Scotland we did for a few months following our original departure in 2008.
So in a nutshell, if you're just interested in the diary for the trip down Africa, the blog will be mostly all you need to worry about. But if you're interested in how we got to this point and what's happened to us so far, or want more information on the Africa bit than cant be found in a blog (GPS co-ordinates, lots of photos etc) have a look at the websites :-)
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