Moglet in Africa Website

We left our house in the UK in 2008 and fully intended to be in Africa not too much later. Two years on, and we've finally booked in a ferry to leave Barcelona for Tangier at the end of November 2010! It's been eventful and fun and I wouldn't change a single day of it, even if it has all taken a bit longer than expected...

Prior to this shiny new blog, there was and still is a Moglet in Africa website to wander through. It's been up and running for a while now and has loads more detail on the route, the vehicle, us, preparation, pretty much everything other than the trip diary itself. It will also be the site that gets maintained throughout Africa to detail lots more information on top of a trip diary. As well as that, it's also got a link to our original Moglet website which has more details of the original planning and preparation for leaving a house rented in the UK, personal and medical preparations, plus the driving all around Scotland we did for a few months following our original departure in 2008.

So in a nutshell, if you're just interested in the diary for the trip down Africa, the blog will be mostly all you need to worry about. But if you're interested in how we got to this point and what's happened to us so far, or want more information on the Africa bit than cant be found in a blog (GPS co-ordinates, lots of photos etc) have a look at the websites :-)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Ups and Downs

Jason spent much of last week playing with the Eberspacher some more, taking apart the fuel lines after reading about the importance of tidy butt joints!  Nothing to do with builders bums, it seems like if the pipes aren't neatly spliced next to each other, a small amount of air could be introduced into the supply and therefore the burner, which could cause it to run choppily, or not at all, as its either slightly choked or completely strangulated through lack of diesel. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So I've been having a think.  Not something I try and do too often, especially before breakfast, but sometimes it can't be avoided.  We were hoping to get some numbers from Graham the Eberspacher man before close of business yesterday telling us how much a brand new unit would be (one that's a more 'modern' version of what we already have, with the water and fuel pumps incorporated), and also how much a replacement for what we currently have would be.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Oh No It Doesnt...

The Eberspacher is still broken :-(  It ran for hours and hours after Jason reinstalled it at the weekend, then when it clicked on the next morning if turned off again after 15minutes.  Ever since then its been a daily event to take off something and replace it with a new bit to see if it works, and nothing does. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

It Works!!!

Hesitantly, tentatively, we're cautiously optimistic that Jasons managed to fix the Eberspacher (or Eddie-Basher as mum calls it) :-)  After his efforts in the workshop and under the bonnet, she was running for 3 hours last night and has so far been on for another two hours this morning.  There was a slightly worrying tiny amount of smoke drifting out of the unit for the first half hour or so yesterday, but we put that down to moisture inside the box as well as all kinds of crap getting infused into the felt gasket next to the glow plug that had to burn off before she would fire up cleanly, and so far our theories seem to be holding out.

Friday, November 19, 2010


At last, the necessary replacement parts for the Eberspacher have arrived.  'All' Jason now needs to do is whip out the old unit and replace the 12v fan with the correct 24v one then wire it all back in again, so that's his plan for today.  Fingers crossed this will work, but if it doesn't then the only part left to replace is the electronic controller, which we don't have one of...

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ferry Cancelled :-(

Well there's been no Eberspacher parts arrive, so we've had to cancel the ferry - even if the courier arrives on Monday, thats not enough time for Jason to fit the unit and get to Barcelona for Wednesday night.  Plus it doesnt allow for the possibility that the parts arriving next week dont fix the problem...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Eberspacher Woes

As anyone who's familiar with the main Moglet website will be aware, we've been having problems with our Eberspacher heater, which provides our hot water and heating as and when we need it.  It started playing up a couple of months ago, and the fan inside it would sometimes freeze in place, causing the unit to start to overheat and then shut down. 

Monday, November 8, 2010

First Ever Blog!!!

Just giving this new-fangled technology a try - it occurred to me that there might be times we cant plug in a USB stick and therefore wont be able to do a website update, but having the